Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 2

So I haven't ended up in the fetal position, rocking in the corner yet. What kind of sucked was coming home tonight with a headache, just wanting to turn on the TV and slack for the rest of the night. Ended up watching Emily of New Moon for a while which wasn't quite as fulfilling. But I learned from wikipedia that there's an animated Japanese version of it which sounds ... strange.

What I was really looking forward to was the results show for So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Now, I've never watched any of these dancing shows before (except first season of Dancing with the Stars) and really only started watching it so that I could have something on CTV to watch. However, I've really been enjoying it. I've been learning a lot about dance since I basically knew nothing about it. I've taken a liking to contemporary but now I know about krumping. That's a lie. I still know nothing about krumping.

I was really hoping for a result show like last week. Everybody seemed so shocked and appalled when the two people got kicked off. I know it was the first result show so the reality of it was setting in and everything but come on, what did they think was going to happen? They were all going to get puppies? They saw the first season and we all know how reality shows work. Though, as much I don't really care for Leah Miller, I like how much she cares about the dancers and is truly upset when they have to leave.

What I like most about this show is the phrase "dance for your life." I think all matters should be decided like this. Would make job interviews more interesting. But I don't think one commercial break is enough for the judges to make a decision about who is going to leave. It just isn't enough time for the democratic process.

My favourites: Everett (because he can tap dance), Cody (because I like young boys) and Vincent (because I like when I can't tell if they're gay or just French). As for the girls, probably Melanie M and Natalie. Of course, now because I've said they're my favourites, they will all getting voted off next week. So far, I've agreed with Canada so far with the results which surprises me. We'll just see what happens next time.

Also, follow me on twitter where I'll be posting more frequently about what I'm currently watching.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I figured the Japanese would like Emily since they like Anne, but they've always liked our friend from Green Gables because of her satanic red hair and whimsical rebellions: what's Emily done for them lately?

    And as far as SYTYCD-C, it seems we have very similar tastes.
