Sunday, November 1, 2009


...So that took a bit longer than expected. Sorry friends. But here's what you missed:

-Daneyko and Higgins got kicked off Battle of the Blades.

-Strombo is going to be skating with Kurt Browning wearing a Maple Leafs jersey.

-Erica learned the appropriate times to interfere.

-And Vincent didn't win SYTYCD-C but I was okay with Tara Jean wearing. I think she deserved it. But I will miss the way Vincent moved his hips when he would dance across that stage. Sigh.

But do not fear. Despite my lack of blogging, no American show has been watched in the meantime. In fact, I usually end up watching Degrassi now at noon. I may in fact be hooked and it makes me feel kinda dirty.

And I will provide my details dealing with watching TV with non-Cancon limited persons at a later date. Once I can stop painting and lifting heavy boxes.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I suppose it makes sense though. You were watching Blues Clues at 13 so when considering the relation to your age, Degrassi seems to be where you should be at right now.
