Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some Reflections

I am now half way through this challenge and the strangest thing I find so far is thinking about when it's over. The idea that I will be able to watch whatever I want whenever I want. It's just weird. Apparently I've learned to love the rules.

But at this point in the game, I think I'm beginning to realize why I like Canadian television so much. The shows aren't written for the lowest common denominator. When I watch a show like Slings and Arrows, I feel like it respects me as an audience member. And even other members of my family who aren't English majors or have read as much Shakespeare as me enjoy the show just as much as I do. That's the reason that the Degrassi series have done so well. They took teenagers seriously and told them that their issues mattered too. Canadian shows don't treat their audiences like idiots and I appreciate that. We may not all be Wandas, but we're definitely not all Hanks.

Though I have to admit, for some reason, the past few days, I've been really close to turning the channel to an episode of Bones or Friends before I remember. It takes me a second but I always stop myself.


  1. That's always been my thoughts on Canadian writing. Sure we are bound to casting the widest net possible just like the Americans, but it does seem we have more interest in pandering to niches instead of the lowest common denominator. Thank god for that! Its impossible to make something that everyone likes, so why not just make something you know a solid group of people will like without winding up churning out the same thing over and over again because you know the folks will follow (CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI:NY).

  2. You are lucky you didn't add NCIS to your list James (although the L.A. one is it's first), but speaking of pandering to the lowest common denominator, did you happen to see the listing for Conveyor Belt of Love, or some such equally inane title? Just seeing it's name made me want to bang my head against a wall.

  3. Sorry, I forgot to add that it was a new American show, although I am hoping that was understood.
