Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Disappointment

I will admit: I've never really watched Kids in the Hall. I know I should because they are a Canadian classic but it's just never been something I got into. So I was happy to see that they had a new mini-series on CBC because I thought that this would be the chance that I had never given them before and they would win me over and I would laugh and laugh.

That's not quite how it happened. Maybe it's because I'm just not into that kind of comedy in general (and I think if I watched the old show, I would be able to put it in a specific time and place) but it just didn't get to me. I chuckled maybe once or twice (the town abortionist giving out kittens) but overall, I was not impressed. And was actually rather happy when I found out that it was only a half an hour instead of a full hour like I thought. Maybe it's because it's just one long sketch instead of a bunch of shorter ones? Maybe I would like that better. I don't really know.

What I do know? I probably won't be tuning in for next week's Death Comes to Town.

1 comment:

  1. I am also glad it was only half an hour, and I will go you one better, I had to force myself to stay until the end. They should be deeply embarrassed. I will not be watching anymore. Watching reruns of the old shows can be fun, but that was then, this is now, and it's not the same.As they say, you can't go home again.
