Friday, January 29, 2010

The Nature of Things

So I usually don't watch the Nature of Things. Nothing against Mr. Suzuki, it's just not something I find myself watching if I have other options. But last night, it as on the connection between smoking pot and schizophrenia. And it was actually pretty interesting. What I did like that that they weren't saying 'smoking pot will give you schizophrenia.' They talked about how lots of people smoke pot with no problems and though there does seem to be a connection between pot and schizophrenia, they were exploring why that is and trying to see which comes first.

The problem I had with the whole thing, was how it was advertised. In one of the commercials for the show, they had a clip of a woman saying "pot made my child psychotic." That seems like a cheap way to sell it. So for this, the CBC gets a public shaming. Shame on you, CBC, shame.

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