Monday, May 10, 2010


One of the greatest things about this challenge was that I discovered so many new shows to love. There's just something about that feeling when you find a new show and look forward to seeing how everything all plays out. It's all so new and interesting! So from Slings and Arrows to The Week the Women Went to Murdoch Mysteries, it was like there was no end of Canadian shows that were new to me.

But now that it's all over, my first instinct is to rewatch all my favourite shows that I haven't been able to watch. Thus I've been spending time with shows like Arrested Development and Extras and Stargate (still). Grey's has been good since this whole season is all new to me but I feel a distinct lack of newness in my television life. I love finding a new show and becoming obsessed with it and the gluttonous feeling at the end when you've watched all the episodes you can possibly find.

Being out of the American television loop, I don't know really where to look. I know I want to watch Flashforward but after that, I can't really think of any new shows that I really want to watch. Now without cable, it's not like I can just let the guide channel tell me what to watch. I guess I just have to go back to researching new shows. Sigh.


  1. I really have no new tv shows to mention to you to watch.
    I like Flashforward which I think is the only new show I watch, unless the Mentalist is new. I can't remember, but it is good. Castle is also fun to watch but I know you won't watch it. Other than that it's old ones like NCIS, The Big Bang Theory and New/Old Christine that I look forward to.
    I think you picked a good time for your challenge. The Canadian shows are getting better and the U.S. ain't. ( I know I should have put "aren't", but I just like to see you squirm)

  2. And no comments about the fact I said "I can't remember"!

  3. And no comments about the fact that I said "I can't remember"!

  4. And I blame that on my computer!

  5. You do realize that you just look crazy now, right?

  6. 'Tis my job in life. Go with what you do best, as they say. I always leave people with a smile on their faces, whether I intended to or not.
