Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Steven and Chris

I always hated Designer Guys. Truthfully, I never really watched it that often. All I knew was that that one guy bugged the hell out of me. I was less then enthusiastic when I found out that they were getting their own talk show. Okay, I was happy since the CBC was giving a talk show to two openly gay persons, and even better, they are in a committed relationship with each other (not that you would really know from the show but it's still a step).

Now, I wouldn't really call myself a fan of Steven and Chris but I don't hate them like I used to. Okay, I do really like Steven. He's cool. Chris...well, he was the one I didn't like in the beginning and not much as changed (have you seen his hair?? It's like a foot off his head!). I am sucker for lifestyle shows so they make a good replacement for Martha. I learn so much about fashion from watching! I even learned the proper way to apply lipstick the other day. Okay, so I never actually wear lipstick but I feel it's handy to know.

So overall, I do enjoy the show. Except for Chris. Though he can be okay sometimes. The best part of any show I've seen was from their Christmas special (which had almost everybody from the CBC there. It's like the Ceeb owns their souls). Scott Thompson was there and they were all in the kitchen. Scott is talking and turns to Chris and Chris jumps as if Scott was attacking him with a knife. I laughed and laughed and laughed! (for your own enjoyment, here's the whole special: Scott Thompson is in the fourth segment. That's my present to you all.)

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