Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shows I will probably never watch again

Back before I started the challenge, I thought it would be nice to take a break from shows that I ended up watching all the time like Friends or The Simpsons. I figured I would return to them, happy to see them again and it would be like it was new again.

Which is not what happened. In fact, I have only tried to watch Friends, The Simpsons and Family Guy each once. In doing so, I realized that I've seen them all so many times that even one year is not enough time to take a break from them. I just sighed and moved on to something else. I was actually kind of sad because I used to genuinely enjoy these shows but now I just feel indifferent to them. Given the choice, I'd rather not watch them.

It made me wonder why we tend to just watch shows over and over again when there are so many different shows out there that we could be watching. And with so many shows that I still want to see, I don't see the point in watching something I've already seen 10 times anymore. There is so much great Canadian TV out there that I could be watching.

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