Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Reprieve

So here was my Christmas present to my family: I gave in and watched any American TV they wanted on Boxing Day. We have a long family tradition of spending our Boxing Day sitting around, eating leftovers and watching all the movies and TV shows that we got the day before. Tis a noble tradition. I realized that I was going to through a wrench into the plans seeing as we bought my mother Jericho and knew that my brother was getting Futurama and my sister NCIS. It seemed unfair to limit all the TV show watching that day to only the Canadian content that I receieved (which ended up being the 1st season of Corner Gas and the complete series of Slings and Arrows). Thus, I granted them the Boxing Day Reprieve. So we happily sat around watching Futurama and a lot of NCIS (I forgot how much I really like that show...oh Gibbs) and my family didn't hate me. It truly was a Christmas miracle.

But now we are back to the cold hard reality of this challenge. At least now the pond of Canadian content I have to reach into has been refreshed. Here's to the next 4 months!!!

1 comment:

  1. We appreciated it, and if anyone asks, you can tell them we tortured you until you gave in. Torture like watching only Canadian content for a year. Its inhumane! LOL!
