Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Canadian Finales

Last night was the finale for Being Erica. I don't want to spoil anything but like most season finales, there's a cliffhanger. This is something we all used to and have to live with it. I personally hate it because I hate not knowing. I hate having to wait to find out what's going to happen but I know it's a fact of television.

But here's the problem with cliffhanger ends to a season with Canadian shows: you're never quite sure if the show is going to come back so you might never know. So when I see Erica going through the door at the end, I desperately want to know what's on the other side of the door (I have my own ideas and would like to hear what you think!). The state of not knowing is something I've come to live with since shows like jPOD and Defying Gravity have been cancelled. I have no idea if Kaitlin is dead or not. I don't know who this Babette is since she wasn't in the book. Was Douglas Coupland ever planning on becoming a character like in the book? The same happened with Defying Gravity which left so many questions unanswered when the show was cancelled. Thankfully the creator of DG revealed in an interview revealed what would have happened had the show been allowed to continue ( I know they don't always know in advance that the show isn't coming back and everything can't be tied up in a nice little bow but I hate the not knowing.

I just really want to know what's behind the door!

(ps Being Erica always seems to have this freakish ability to align itself with what's going on in my life. For example, when I started watching it in the summer, the night I was the premiere where she is fired from her call centre job, was the night before I was starting a job at a call centre. Last night was no exception. Weird.)


  1. Thank you sooooo much for posting that Defying Gravity link! It's too bad they just can't continue the shows and release them on DVD.

  2. Anytime! I was just happy that there was some sort of closure of DG since the series left so much up in the air. It's a shame that it got cut. I thought it would have had a nice home on Space.
