As previously mentioned, I received the complete series of Slings and Arrows for Christmas. Now, this was a bit of a risk seeing as I had never watched the show at all before. But I needed more Cancon to fill my days and from what I read about it, it seemed like something I liked. So we watched the first two episodes. At first, I thought it seemed a bit slow, though there were lots of moments that made me laugh. But at the end of each episode, I couldn't wait to see the next one. I just had to know what was going to happen. And now I can't stop watching it! I heart it. The downside is that there are only 3 seasons and to make it even worse, there are only 6 episodes per season. So I'm torn between needing to see them at once or making them last...I'm going to watch them all at once. But there are two things that I feel the need to point out:
(1) The show is SO Canadian. Aside from the subtle slowness (we Canadians don't like to rush a story) and the financial trouble of the festival, forcing them to always look for funding (ah, good times), it stars pretty much Canadian royalty: Paul Gross, Mark McKinney, Don McKeller, Martha Burns, Rachel MacAdams, Colm Feore, Stephen Ouimette and Michael Polley, who is, of course, the father of Sarah Polley who also pops up in season 3. I could spend the rest of the challenge just going through all the amazing things these people have done but I won't. It has the touches of bizarre which always feels so Canadian. And such great lines like "Darren, everybody cries when they get stabbed. There's no shame in that."
(2) Related to the first note, it's made me realize how much the theatre plays a role in Canadian culture and it's cinema and television. I mean, the majority of those actors listed above have done or got their start in theatre. And it's not hard to see the similarities between the New Burbage festival in the show and the Stratford Festival in real life. But in the first season, an American actor is sent to send in to play Hamlet in order to get crediability. It's funny because it's kinda how it works (and was inspired by Kneau Reeves playing Hamlet in Winnipeg) but that's not how it works in Canadian. Most actors here already have theatre experience, thus are more "legitimate". Or else they've started their own comedy troupe. In the states, they all just start on soap operas (just kidding - sometimes they don't even bother with them anymore). I'll leave everybody to draw their own conclusions about who has better actors...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Okay, I can't hold it back any longer. I cheated. But before you judge me too harshly, let me tell you that it's probably the lamest cheat I could've done. So it was Christmas Eve and I had done so well over the past couple months and I was so proud at not even once accidentally watching anything other than Canadian Content. But just two days before the reprieve, I failed.
I was sitting around with my family, seeing what was on and any Christmas specials that were left on the eve before Christmas. I wasn't paying attention to we started watching an Andrea Bocelli special (he may or may not have been at the Vatican. I'm still not sure if it was referring to that show or advertising a different special). And then because my brother and sister have a tradition of always watching the Mormon Tabermnacle Choir so we were flipping back and forth. About half way through the Mormons, I realized what had happened. I blemished my perfect record with Mormons! So please, don't blame me. Blame the Mormons.
But don't worry. I'm back with Degrassi today and learning about gonorrhea. This is why I love Canadian content.
I was sitting around with my family, seeing what was on and any Christmas specials that were left on the eve before Christmas. I wasn't paying attention to we started watching an Andrea Bocelli special (he may or may not have been at the Vatican. I'm still not sure if it was referring to that show or advertising a different special). And then because my brother and sister have a tradition of always watching the Mormon Tabermnacle Choir so we were flipping back and forth. About half way through the Mormons, I realized what had happened. I blemished my perfect record with Mormons! So please, don't blame me. Blame the Mormons.
But don't worry. I'm back with Degrassi today and learning about gonorrhea. This is why I love Canadian content.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Reprieve
So here was my Christmas present to my family: I gave in and watched any American TV they wanted on Boxing Day. We have a long family tradition of spending our Boxing Day sitting around, eating leftovers and watching all the movies and TV shows that we got the day before. Tis a noble tradition. I realized that I was going to through a wrench into the plans seeing as we bought my mother Jericho and knew that my brother was getting Futurama and my sister NCIS. It seemed unfair to limit all the TV show watching that day to only the Canadian content that I receieved (which ended up being the 1st season of Corner Gas and the complete series of Slings and Arrows). Thus, I granted them the Boxing Day Reprieve. So we happily sat around watching Futurama and a lot of NCIS (I forgot how much I really like that show...oh Gibbs) and my family didn't hate me. It truly was a Christmas miracle.
But now we are back to the cold hard reality of this challenge. At least now the pond of Canadian content I have to reach into has been refreshed. Here's to the next 4 months!!!
But now we are back to the cold hard reality of this challenge. At least now the pond of Canadian content I have to reach into has been refreshed. Here's to the next 4 months!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
This isn't exactly related to Cancon or television at all but guess who passed by my house this morning??? The Olympic flame! Now, considering that the rely is 106 days and going through numerous cities, it's not that big of a deal. But then again, I'm home for the holidays and thus in the small small town of Fort Erie. Why would the flame be there? I have no idea but it was. In fact, I got my picture taken with one of the torchbearers and then the flame was passed right at the corner by my house. It's a pretty big deal here! I just wish I had a pair of those red mittens!!!
On a television related note, The Hour's Christmas special is on tonight. Bunch of people singing. Should be good times. I know I'm excited.

On a television related note, The Hour's Christmas special is on tonight. Bunch of people singing. Should be good times. I know I'm excited.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cheap Goods
So a little while ago, Strombo did a dare for the Stephen Lewis Foundation which found him skating with the Battle of the Blades crew, wearing a Maple Leafs jersey. It was kinda funny to watch and we all had a good time. Then, Strombo said that they were auctioning off the jersey that he had worn and it was signed by not only himself, but all of the people at Battle of the Blades. Cool stuff, right??? I would love it have that but assumed that it would be ghastly expensive.
But then I found it on ebay. And the current bid? $407. Seriously?! I mean, I could very well take that much off my credit line and consider it a worthy buy. Only $407??? I mean, I thought the Strombo fans alone would be shelling out mad cash for not only an item of his clothing, but a Maple Leafs jersey that he wore and signed. And then add all the autographs from Battle of the Blades? There is no way that this should be in my price range (mind you, it's not really. There just happens to be a possibility that I could buy it). I just think that this item happens to be worth more.
If you want to check it out for yourself, or have a Strombo fan that would appreciate it, here it is: You have less than a day to make it your's!
But then I found it on ebay. And the current bid? $407. Seriously?! I mean, I could very well take that much off my credit line and consider it a worthy buy. Only $407??? I mean, I thought the Strombo fans alone would be shelling out mad cash for not only an item of his clothing, but a Maple Leafs jersey that he wore and signed. And then add all the autographs from Battle of the Blades? There is no way that this should be in my price range (mind you, it's not really. There just happens to be a possibility that I could buy it). I just think that this item happens to be worth more.
If you want to check it out for yourself, or have a Strombo fan that would appreciate it, here it is: You have less than a day to make it your's!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Steven and Chris
I always hated Designer Guys. Truthfully, I never really watched it that often. All I knew was that that one guy bugged the hell out of me. I was less then enthusiastic when I found out that they were getting their own talk show. Okay, I was happy since the CBC was giving a talk show to two openly gay persons, and even better, they are in a committed relationship with each other (not that you would really know from the show but it's still a step).
Now, I wouldn't really call myself a fan of Steven and Chris but I don't hate them like I used to. Okay, I do really like Steven. He's cool. Chris...well, he was the one I didn't like in the beginning and not much as changed (have you seen his hair?? It's like a foot off his head!). I am sucker for lifestyle shows so they make a good replacement for Martha. I learn so much about fashion from watching! I even learned the proper way to apply lipstick the other day. Okay, so I never actually wear lipstick but I feel it's handy to know.
So overall, I do enjoy the show. Except for Chris. Though he can be okay sometimes. The best part of any show I've seen was from their Christmas special (which had almost everybody from the CBC there. It's like the Ceeb owns their souls). Scott Thompson was there and they were all in the kitchen. Scott is talking and turns to Chris and Chris jumps as if Scott was attacking him with a knife. I laughed and laughed and laughed! (for your own enjoyment, here's the whole special: Scott Thompson is in the fourth segment. That's my present to you all.)
Now, I wouldn't really call myself a fan of Steven and Chris but I don't hate them like I used to. Okay, I do really like Steven. He's cool. Chris...well, he was the one I didn't like in the beginning and not much as changed (have you seen his hair?? It's like a foot off his head!). I am sucker for lifestyle shows so they make a good replacement for Martha. I learn so much about fashion from watching! I even learned the proper way to apply lipstick the other day. Okay, so I never actually wear lipstick but I feel it's handy to know.
So overall, I do enjoy the show. Except for Chris. Though he can be okay sometimes. The best part of any show I've seen was from their Christmas special (which had almost everybody from the CBC there. It's like the Ceeb owns their souls). Scott Thompson was there and they were all in the kitchen. Scott is talking and turns to Chris and Chris jumps as if Scott was attacking him with a knife. I laughed and laughed and laughed! (for your own enjoyment, here's the whole special: Scott Thompson is in the fourth segment. That's my present to you all.)
Monday, December 14, 2009
American Cravings
For the most part, I haven't been hurting too much. It's taken some adjustments but overall, I am content with the Canadian content I have been viewing. But every once and a while, I have an overwhelming urge to watch Grey's. I know it's so bad for me but I just want it.
I haven't given in and don't plan on it any time soon. I just find myself wondering what Meredith is up to and if Izzie and her stupid haircut will die soon. I don't find myself watching CTV too much and never really seem to see any promos for it when I do so I literally have no idea what is happening in this season. Some people have suggested that I can always just read the summaries online and ABC also has a writer's blog for the show so I can really follow the storylines whenever I want. I feel that would only make things worse. I think this is good for my relationship with Grey's. We were going through quite the rough patch there and now we're both taking some time apart to think about our decisions.
But don't think too highly of me for during this challenge. I plan on gorging myself on Grey's once it's done because I know I'll always keep going back to it.
I haven't given in and don't plan on it any time soon. I just find myself wondering what Meredith is up to and if Izzie and her stupid haircut will die soon. I don't find myself watching CTV too much and never really seem to see any promos for it when I do so I literally have no idea what is happening in this season. Some people have suggested that I can always just read the summaries online and ABC also has a writer's blog for the show so I can really follow the storylines whenever I want. I feel that would only make things worse. I think this is good for my relationship with Grey's. We were going through quite the rough patch there and now we're both taking some time apart to think about our decisions.
But don't think too highly of me for during this challenge. I plan on gorging myself on Grey's once it's done because I know I'll always keep going back to it.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Canadian Celebrities
So I was watching the show Colour Confidential the other day (only because they have since replaced Style by Jury. I do not care for Colour Confidential that much mainly because it does not star Bruce Turner. I was a little upset), and the person who was getting a room re-decorated was none other than Jully Black. I was a little shocked since she is such a huge star and she had previously been on The Hour like a week before. But it was kind of cool since her bedroom was, rather boring. You'd think that with all the money she had, it would look fabulous and be papered in money (or at least that's just what I assume celebrities do with their places) but her house looked like a regular house. It's always sort of a nice little reminder than celebrities are normal people too. And I guess in Canada, they are even more like real people since we don't really have the same celebrity culture they do in the States.
And you can Ms. Jully Black tonight on Steven and Chris's holiday special. I am quite excited for it, even if that does make me lame!
And you can Ms. Jully Black tonight on Steven and Chris's holiday special. I am quite excited for it, even if that does make me lame!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Canadian Finales
Last night was the finale for Being Erica. I don't want to spoil anything but like most season finales, there's a cliffhanger. This is something we all used to and have to live with it. I personally hate it because I hate not knowing. I hate having to wait to find out what's going to happen but I know it's a fact of television.
But here's the problem with cliffhanger ends to a season with Canadian shows: you're never quite sure if the show is going to come back so you might never know. So when I see Erica going through the door at the end, I desperately want to know what's on the other side of the door (I have my own ideas and would like to hear what you think!). The state of not knowing is something I've come to live with since shows like jPOD and Defying Gravity have been cancelled. I have no idea if Kaitlin is dead or not. I don't know who this Babette is since she wasn't in the book. Was Douglas Coupland ever planning on becoming a character like in the book? The same happened with Defying Gravity which left so many questions unanswered when the show was cancelled. Thankfully the creator of DG revealed in an interview revealed what would have happened had the show been allowed to continue ( I know they don't always know in advance that the show isn't coming back and everything can't be tied up in a nice little bow but I hate the not knowing.
I just really want to know what's behind the door!
(ps Being Erica always seems to have this freakish ability to align itself with what's going on in my life. For example, when I started watching it in the summer, the night I was the premiere where she is fired from her call centre job, was the night before I was starting a job at a call centre. Last night was no exception. Weird.)
But here's the problem with cliffhanger ends to a season with Canadian shows: you're never quite sure if the show is going to come back so you might never know. So when I see Erica going through the door at the end, I desperately want to know what's on the other side of the door (I have my own ideas and would like to hear what you think!). The state of not knowing is something I've come to live with since shows like jPOD and Defying Gravity have been cancelled. I have no idea if Kaitlin is dead or not. I don't know who this Babette is since she wasn't in the book. Was Douglas Coupland ever planning on becoming a character like in the book? The same happened with Defying Gravity which left so many questions unanswered when the show was cancelled. Thankfully the creator of DG revealed in an interview revealed what would have happened had the show been allowed to continue ( I know they don't always know in advance that the show isn't coming back and everything can't be tied up in a nice little bow but I hate the not knowing.
I just really want to know what's behind the door!
(ps Being Erica always seems to have this freakish ability to align itself with what's going on in my life. For example, when I started watching it in the summer, the night I was the premiere where she is fired from her call centre job, was the night before I was starting a job at a call centre. Last night was no exception. Weird.)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I watched my first episode of Flashpoint the other night. I find that I have the same problem with this show as I had with Degrassi. I've heard so much about it and how important it is, that I can't go into it with a blank slate. But it was good show. I enjoyed it even though I don't always go in for these shows.
But watching it, it looks more like an American show. It seems to have more of a smoothness and usually in Canada, we don't see shoot outs in the airports (not like this happens everyday in the States, but that's just how they are portrayed in their shows). One of the things that has made Flashpoint is the fact that many Americans who watch the show have no idea that it is actually set in Toronto. And though I'm happy that Amercians are actually watching Canadian shows since somehow this makes it seem more legitimate to most Canadians. But aren't we losing something when in order to get them to watch, we have to make it look like an Amercian show? I know people would find it hard to believe is that we do have a Canadian culture and it is something that we can lose.
But watching it, it looks more like an American show. It seems to have more of a smoothness and usually in Canada, we don't see shoot outs in the airports (not like this happens everyday in the States, but that's just how they are portrayed in their shows). One of the things that has made Flashpoint is the fact that many Americans who watch the show have no idea that it is actually set in Toronto. And though I'm happy that Amercians are actually watching Canadian shows since somehow this makes it seem more legitimate to most Canadians. But aren't we losing something when in order to get them to watch, we have to make it look like an Amercian show? I know people would find it hard to believe is that we do have a Canadian culture and it is something that we can lose.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Question Period
For the first time, I actually watched an hour of Question Period. First of all, it makes me proud that it is televised, allowing all Canadians to keep an eye on what's actually going on in Parliament. Usually when I try to watch QP, it's rather boring. Usually they are all standing up discussing the details of some bill and I have no idea what's going on. But last night was spectacular! First they were discussing whether the government knew about the torture that was happening with the Afghan detainees. Then somebody brought up the long gun registry, the financial discrepancies, and the numerous Native women who have been murdered or gone missing. It was fascinating.
Here are some things I noticed:
-John Baird will stand up and talk about anything. Especially when he's not the one who a question is pointed at. He must love QP.
-the Conservatives main defense seems to be that all the bad things started when the Liberals were in power. All their problems are based on the previous government. Despite the fact that that previous government was now, what, almost 4 years ago?
-the Opposition apparently hate the troops
-The Minister of State in charge of the status of women reminds me of Sarah Palin.
-The Speaker of the House mostly sounds like a teacher in a classroom.
-There are a few attractive MPs. Not many, mind you, but some.
Makes me kinda wish that I had actually gone to a QP when I still lived in Ottawa. I really just want to see somebody thrown out!
Here are some things I noticed:
-John Baird will stand up and talk about anything. Especially when he's not the one who a question is pointed at. He must love QP.
-the Conservatives main defense seems to be that all the bad things started when the Liberals were in power. All their problems are based on the previous government. Despite the fact that that previous government was now, what, almost 4 years ago?
-the Opposition apparently hate the troops
-The Minister of State in charge of the status of women reminds me of Sarah Palin.
-The Speaker of the House mostly sounds like a teacher in a classroom.
-There are a few attractive MPs. Not many, mind you, but some.
Makes me kinda wish that I had actually gone to a QP when I still lived in Ottawa. I really just want to see somebody thrown out!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Other Really Cool Stuff Online
Ever wish that you personally could decide what shows get put on the air? Wouldn't that be a lovely universe?
Well, thanks to our accelerated and highly interactive culture, Teletoon is asking for you to decide. The Teletoon Detour Pilot Project is asking you what you want to see. They put out an open call for writers and animators to submit their idea for a show. Eventually this lead to 10 pilots being produced. These pilots are now online where any old person can stop by and vote for which one they think is the best. Each week one more pilot is premiered, I think only to help build suspense. 6 have already been posted so far, leaving only 4 yet to be seen.
I think this is a really awesome idea and probably one of the best ways for a network to take advantage of the interactivity in a good way. Your actually making the viewers feel like part of the process instead of just dictating what they will see. Plus you're building an audience before it even really premieres. I would only be more excited if I was more into animation.
So go vote!|/misc/detourPilotProject/pilotProject.php|0
Well, thanks to our accelerated and highly interactive culture, Teletoon is asking for you to decide. The Teletoon Detour Pilot Project is asking you what you want to see. They put out an open call for writers and animators to submit their idea for a show. Eventually this lead to 10 pilots being produced. These pilots are now online where any old person can stop by and vote for which one they think is the best. Each week one more pilot is premiered, I think only to help build suspense. 6 have already been posted so far, leaving only 4 yet to be seen.
I think this is a really awesome idea and probably one of the best ways for a network to take advantage of the interactivity in a good way. Your actually making the viewers feel like part of the process instead of just dictating what they will see. Plus you're building an audience before it even really premieres. I would only be more excited if I was more into animation.
So go vote!|/misc/detourPilotProject/pilotProject.php|0
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