Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Hardest Cut of All

I always knew that this was going to be the hardest night of all: Grey's Anatomy season premiere.

Now, my relationship with Grey's is an intense love/hate. It's the only show that I regularly watch and was pretty much my only "appointment" TV left. I remember when I started watching it in my tiny rez room from the very beginning and then getting my friends hooked too. I related to Meredith as if she were actually me (from the dark and twisty bits to the Asian friend Christin(a)). We had a happy time together.

That was the love side of it. Now it's pretty much all hate. I spent the majority of last season yelling at my TV (even this summer when watching a rerun, I started yelling at the Chief for telling Meredith that Derek was going to propose. Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!). Izzy was having sex with a ghost and even though I knew I was supposed to be upset that she had a brain tumour, I couldn't wait for her to die.

It took me awhile to figure out why I so angry with it. Here's my theory: we all know that the networks and the business side of everything effects the show. It's not all just what is best for the characters or the story as there are all these outside sources pulling the strings. And with Grey's, the strings really began to show. First, the whole Isaiah Washington incident and Burke was gone. And then Erica Hahn just randomly disappears at the end of one episode and it's never explained what happened to her (and she then got replaced by a younger, blonder lesbian for Kallie...). Katherine Heigl turns down an Emmy nominations because she hasn't gotten enough interesting storylines. And suddenly Denny returns (because Izzy's only interesting storyline is Denny apparently). Heigl wants off the show so Izzy gets a brain tumour. TR Knight wants off the show and suddenly he barely has any storylines. Heigl doesn't want to leave the show so we know that Izzy didn't really die at all. Suddenly it's like the actual story doesn't matter at all (since apparently the show is all about keeping Katherine Heigl happy). As much as I know that this is pretty much what happens with all shows, it just breaks my suspension of disbelief. And I just really hate Katherine Heigl now.

Despite all this, it is taking all of my willpower to not flip it over to CTV right now. I just need to know what is happening! And what do I get to watch instead? Battle of the's just not the same.

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