Friday, September 18, 2009

Canadian Soap?

Sadly, today was the last episode of Guiding Light. Despite the fact that I never watched the show, it still made me a little sad. Canada AM was making a fuss over it (and by fuss, I mean they had one of the actors on this morning) and it got me athinking. Why are there no Canadian soap operas? Or am I just missing them all? Because frankly, this is something I would like to see. I mean, I'm sure we have enough Canadians faking their own deaths and getting married 5+ times. I know Canadians have the reputation of being too polite and friendly thus making them not soap material but I'm sure we have enough deviousness to pull it off. There's enough intrigue in Canada. I mean, we had a cabinet member leaving classified documents at his girlfriend's house. If that's the real world, then think of what could happen on our soap opera!

But for the life of me, I can't imagine what a Canadian soap opera would look like. I know what the farcical version it would look like. What would a real, serious Canadian soap opera look like? I feel that this is something that is severely lacking and needs to be remedied. I'd watch it. I also think it should be set in Newfoundland. Now wouldn't that be a good time?


  1. Base it on our current Parliament and we'd have some fabulous storylines. Biker chick girlfriends with secret documents, pot smoking anti drug crusaders, the list would be endless.

  2. They do exist, but Canada puts them on at night. Metropia comes to mind first. Its definitely soap, and probably one of the better ones. There was one or two that would classify as soaps on Showcase, but being Showcase it was more pure sexy than soapy. There was another called North/South that Michael Kennedy directed (unsure of how many episodes). But, I can't think of any that are on in the afternoon like their American counterparts. We are too polite and tasteful to put our smut on before dark.

    I was a little sad to hear a about Guiding Light though. I watched it once or twice, but considering it started in 1937 on the radio and has lasted over 15,000 episodes, I say that's pretty cool!
