Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stargate Fever

For some reason, no show gets me as addicted as Stargate. After finishing up Atlantis, we made the insane decision to go back and watch SG-1 from the beginning. For those of you who don't know, that's 10 whole seasons and 3 movies. This is something that will last me to the end of this challenge though I'm not going to let this blog into a Stargate blog. I'll try anyways.

First of all, I advise everyone not to watch Atlantis and go back and watch SG-1. It just won't be the same. After the Wraith, the goa'uld seem about as harmful as bunnies. Okay, maybe not bunnies but they definitely don't eat your soul like the Wraith. But it's fun to go back and be like "Aww...that's the first time that they experience an alternate universe." They were all so young and innocent back then.

And, the lame person that I am, I've been taking notes. As mentioned in my previous Stargare post, I have an interest in the sexual lives of SG-1. Yes, it's weird I know. But what I've realized this time around is that Sam was also the only member of SG-1 that was never married. Jack is divorced, Jackson is widowed and Teal'c is technically divorced on Chulak. Sam was engaged to Hansen before the show starts. And then she has that relationship with the Deluise (apparently it's Pete Shanahan played by David Deluise). But there's never a wedding for Carter...yet. But it seems unlikely there will ever be a Stargate Wedding movie, though I would definitely watch that!

The other interesting note I would like to mention is that Daniel Jackson has died 4 times within 1 1/2 seasons. Of course, died means actually dead, presumed dead or left for dead. Now this seems like a lot. Especially that he dies a whole lot more times during the rest of the series. And I mean, Buffy only died 2 during her whole show. But I'm not sure why Jackson has to die so much. My first thought is because it's to prove that nerds in fact are indestructable. Despite the fact that Jack plays the traditional hero, with all the military training and fire power, Jackson is the one who never actually dies. It at once makes him the most fragile but also the most strong since he never is really dead. I will contine to ponder this.

(sidenote: right now Degrassi is playing Your Lover is Dead by Stars and it makes me love both the song and the show so much more)

1 comment:

  1. I still think a Stargate blog is a good idea and would have an audience, but I'd die if I had to wait until this challenge was over to fulfill my Stargate lust. It came back with a vengeance.

    Stargate was always a good mix of how brains and braun are both good and when working together can get a lot done (especially the fact that SG1 has two of each on the team). But, its the truth, nerds never die.
