Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Final 4

So it's official: SYTYCD-C is down to four. I'm happy with all but 1 of the 4. I dislike Jayme Rae and would be kinda upset if she won. And I think she should have gone home tonight and that Melanie should still be here. But here's what I find funny. Out of the 5 people I originally said I liked, 4 of them made it to the top 10 and 2 of them are still in the running to become Canada's favourite dancer (...okay, I still think that's a bit of a lame title. I think they should have gone with something like "Supreme Dancer of Canada"). And that's why you should always pick people based on their looks. I'm just surprised since usually Canada and I are on different sides. This was how it usually worked with Canadian Idol (except for Brian Melo, we all agreed on him). But here, I have pretty much agreed with each elimination (except for Melanie. See above).

My pick to win? Either Vincent or Tara-Jean. I just love his hips so much! Mesmorizing really. Even though I do love Everett a lot, I would probably pick Vincent. And I think Tara-Jean has really been awesome the past couple of weeks and really shown that she wants and deserve it.

But will I vote at all next week to have my say in who should be Canada's favourite dancer? No. It's a proud Canadian tradition to be apathetic. I'll just save my votes for when Harper tries for a majority.

1 comment:

  1. I can't comment on your picks for SYTYCD-C because I don't watch it, but as for your last comment, please, never say that out loud or even in print. The Powers That Be sometimes have a very cruel streak!
